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Benefits of a Smart Qr code In-Seat Ordering System At Restaurants

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Using QR code restaurant ordering, you can reduce the time and effort your employees spend on taking and fulfilling orders. Tikt's smart restaurant QR codes help restaurants increase sales, speed up service, and provide a better experience for their customers.

Elevate the Guest Experience 

When customers can order from their tables immediately  by scanning a QR code, the process becomes faster and more convenient. It also makes the experience more enjoyable. Elevating the experience more , Guests can customize their food order by changing the course of the order, adding special notes, or sharing the menu with their group.Other Smart QR code ordering  features-like real-time notifications when you get a discount, the ability to add items to your favorites list, and the ability to update your dietary preferences-help enhance every dining experience

Streamlining operations

When customers log into the Restaurant menu via Smart QR codes, servers are immediately notified with a snapshot of each customer that includes information such as customer preferences, favorite items and spending habits. Servers can now focus on providing great service and assisting guests, just like a concierge. Using Smart QR Code-based ordering systems at restaurants have resulted in a 30% to 40% increase in server tips.

Increase in Average Ticket size

Restaurants can increase their sales by upselling, or suggesting items of higher value. However, they often fail to do so because they have insufficient customer data on which to engage with customers and make suggestions. Tikt, a Smart QR code-based in-seat restaurant ordering system, helps restaurants generate additional revenue by prompting guests to purchase extra items by monetizing their item modifiers .


It is ever so important now that Independent and Small chain restaurants adopt digital tools like Smart QR code in-seat ordering to stay competitive. The American Customer Satisfaction Index found that consumers were less happy with service at independent and small chain restaurants. For restaurants, staffing challenges have put pressure on an industry already struggling with inflation and recovering lost sales from the pandemic.

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